What is the Population Density of Contra Costa County?

QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. The table below the paragraph shows property taxes in Contra Costa County, California, compared to the geographies where the headquarters and neighbors are located. The most common employment sectors for those living in Contra Costa County (California) are social assistance (77,861 people), the professional and scientific sector, 26% of technical services (64,682 people), and retail (56,455 people). The table below shows how the average household income in Contra Costa County, California, compares with that of neighboring and parent geographies. The following map illustrates all areas of Contra Costa County, California, colored according to their median household income (total).

The table below displays the percentages of U. S. citizenship in Contra Costa County, California, compared to its neighboring and parent geographies. This chart reveals the stock breakdown of the major industries for residents of Contra Costa County, California, although some of these residents may live in Contra Costa County, California, and work elsewhere.

None of the households in Contra Costa County, California, reported that their primary shared language was speaking a language other than English at home. This chart displays the percentage of homeowners in Contra Costa County, California, compared to major and neighboring geographies. The table below shows how the number of patients seen by primary care doctors has changed over time in Contra Costa County, California, compared to its neighboring geographies. Car ownership in Contra Costa County, California, is about the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household. The table below displays the percentage of foreign-born residents in Contra Costa County, California, compared to its neighboring and parent geographies. Primary care physicians in Contra Costa County, California, care for 967 patients per year on average, representing a decrease of 0.309% from the previous year (970 patients).

There is plenty to do in Contra Costa County such as shopping, restaurants, nightlife, parks and much more. This chart illustrates the stock breakdown of the top jobs held by residents of Contra Costa County, California. The homeownership rate in Contra Costa County, California is 66.8%, roughly equal to the national average of 64.4%.The largest universities in Contra Costa County, California by number of degrees awarded are Diablo Valley College (1,363) (3,728 and 34.3%), Los Medanos College (2,631 and 24.2%), and Contra Costa College (1,779 and 16.4%).When it comes to population density in Contra Costa County it is estimated that there are 845 people per square mile. This makes it one of the most densely populated counties in California with a population of 1.14 million people living within its borders. The population density varies greatly throughout the county with some areas being much more densely populated than others.

For example San Ramon has a population density of 2200 people per square mile while Pittsburg has a population density of only 590 people per square mile. The population density also varies depending on age group with younger people tending to live in more densely populated areas than older people. This is due to younger people being more likely to live in urban areas while older people tend to prefer living in suburban or rural areas. Overall Contra Costa County has a population density that is higher than most other counties in California but lower than some other counties such as Los Angeles or San Francisco. Contra Costa County is one of the most densely populated counties in California with an estimated 845 people per square mile living within its borders. This makes it one of the most populous counties in the state with a total population of 1.14 million people spread across its various cities and towns.

The population density varies greatly throughout the county with some areas being much more densely populated than others. For example San Ramon has a population density of 2200 people per square mile while Pittsburg has a population density of only 590 people per square mile. This difference can be attributed to younger people being more likely to live in urban areas while older people tend to prefer living in suburban or rural areas. The county also has a high homeownership rate at 66.8%, which is roughly equal to the national average of 64.4%.

Primary care physicians care for an average 967 patients per year which represents a decrease from 970 patients from the previous year. In terms of education there are three major universities located within Contra Costa County: Diablo Valley College (1,363 degrees awarded), Los Medanos College (2,631 degrees awarded), and Contra Costa College (1,779 degrees awarded). Overall Contra Costa County has a population density that is higher than most other counties in California but lower than some other counties such as Los Angeles or San Francisco.

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Janelle Ziego
Janelle Ziego

Devoted internet geek. Unapologetic tv aficionado. Devoted tvaholic. Award-winning twitter buff. Lifelong tv advocate. Passionate music geek.

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